Embroidery Journal Project now has its own blog! Please go to the Embroidery Journal Project Blog instead.
Welcome to the 2012 embroidery journal project. The idea is to make a small (or large!) embroidery every month that reflects something in your life. It can be anything: how you are feeling, the weather, important events, a holiday, a season, interactions with nature. The list goes on and on. You can choose any size or any format you like: ATCs, postcards, inchies, circles, quilt blocks, or anything else you can think of. There will be one post every month where you can post your links to your works, and probably a flickr group or something else to send your photos to.
Also, consider when you decide the project size what you want to do with them. Maybe bind them into a fabric book, perhaps make a quilt, or maybe if they are ATCs set up a way to display them in some kind of framed box on the wall.
This is a challenge of sorts – to make it through the year with 12 embroidery projects that are personal and have a story to tell. You can use the chance to experiment with colors, stitches, fabrics, design, anything you like. The important thing is that it comes from inside and is tells the world something about you.
Be sure to read the embroidery project journal introductory blog post too!
If you are joining in leave a message on this page. Late-comers are more than welcome!!
Go to the month and leave your link to your project! Thanks to those who join in.
January 2012 entries
– http://konnykards-musingsofaseniorcitizen.blogspot.com/2012/01/embroidery-journal-project-2012-january.html
– http://theflossbox.blogspot.com/2012/01/january-2012-embroidery-journal-project.html
You can also send your photos to the Embroidery Journal Project Flickr group.
Yes please – I would love to join in :0)
I love this idea! One piece a month is totally doable as well because I find I need a good traveling project.
What a wonderful idea!! Count me in!
Me! Me! I've been wanting to break out my embroidery supplies more often. I love how you have left the type of project wide open!
What a lovely idea. I'm going to give it a bash.
I think I might join in. I've signed up to do TAST 2012 with Sharon B and I wonder if I can combine the new stitches I learn over there into this… I will try to join in!
One a month? Or one for the whole year??? I could try!!
I'd love to participate!
Sounds like a tremendous amount of fun! I'm not going to do it but can't wait to see what others do!
I did a journal quilt project in 2010, and did embroidery on the majority of the quilts.
I was looking for a year-long project for 2012, and definitely would like to participate in the Embroidery Journal Project. Please sign me up!
I'd love to join in but not sure how well I will keep up, however I'd like to try
Count me in … Love the concept.
Ooh I might try to play along! I might do 4×4" like you but then turn them into coasters at the end of the year!
Thanks for all the interest. I am definitely going to make a blog list with all of you. I am going to ask you to make it easy on me though. In January after you make your first project, if you leave a comment on the post I make for January with your link, I will add you. Latecomers are welcome – just post on whichever month you start, and I will add you as we go!
Yes, I want to do this along with all of you. I'll start thinking about fabric, themes, etc for the January one.
I'm in! This will be fun!
Sounds exciting! Count me in!
Count me in on this one, sounds like a great personal challenge!
I would like to participate. Please give me directions on how and where to up load pictures of what I make. Thank you.
I'm in. Very cool idea.
Oooh I'm definitely in, I needed more encouragement to make my own designs.
I like this idea A LOT!! I'd toyed with joining the crazy quilt journal project, but I've never crazy-quilted and was feeling it was going to be a bit more than I wanted (mostly because I'm not a big fan of using my sewing machine!). But this? This is right up my alley. I love surface embroidery, and I love the idea of creating my own theme each month. I tend to rely on patterns, so coming up with my own theme would be the challenge for me.
I'd like to join please – I hope to keep up each month – I've also joined TAST 2012 and TUESDAY TAG but as I'm due to have a spine op in February or March I may miss some weeks!
I know I'll enjoy whatever I can manage though.
Thanks for starting this project. Connie.
Great idea! I want to join in to please!! This is an amazing away to express ones self and for me being new to embroidery this will be a great way to improve my skill also! ANd I know exactly what I want my first peice to be.
Oh …I love embroidery.Once a month? I think I can do it, I'm in. This will be a great way to refresh my embroidery skills. Thank you.
I would love to try this, not sure I could do one a month but I am sure I could design one a month to be stitched when I get the chance! Can't wait to see everyone's designs!
Great idea!
Yeah, I think I'll give this a try, (although I can't promise to manage to do it every month or on time….). I plan to merge it with TAST by doing a monthly piece using the TAST stitches for that month.=)
Wonderful, I would like to join but I don't have a blog, I am on flickr, is it still okay to join in?
I am not sure where you need to me to say I am in, so here it is. I have joined the flickr group, and posted my effort. I am really looking forward to this personal challenge, and the freedom of doing whatever takes my fancy at the time, though that time, hopefully won't be at the very, very end of the month.